
To build Vanuatu’s churches and society by equipping people with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to competently, creatively, and faithfully carry out vocational Christian ministry, and by providing a pathway to further theological education and research. This will be achieved through a thorough grounding in the Bible and Christian theology, as well as training in practical ministry skills and encouragement to spiritual maturity. Roles performed by graduates may include (but are not limited to): pastoral ministry, preaching and teaching the Bible, evangelism, local and international mission, chaplaincy, religious education, certificate-level theological training, and leaders in specific children’s, youth, women’s and men’s ministries.


4 years to graduate with a Bachelor of Theology.

First Year has an embedded Foundations course.

If students are unable to pass all required subjects of the Bachelor of Theology, they may still be able to graduate with an Advanced Diploma of Theology, depending on their results.

VQF Levels



TTTI Main Campus, South Santo

Study Program

Foundation Year: Certificate IV in Foundations of Theological Education

Term 1

EN401 English for Academic Study 4A

SS401 Self-management for Academic Study

OT401 Foundations of Old Testament Studies

TH401 Introduction to Biblical Theology

MT400 Mentoring for Ministry 4

Term 2

EN402 English for Academic Study 4B

SS402 Reading, Listening, and Viewing for Academic Study

NT401 Foundations of New Testament Studies

PT401 Introduction to Pastoral Theology

MT400 Mentoring for Ministry 4

Term 3

EN501 English for Academic Study 5A

SS403 Writing for Academic Study

CH401 From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth

TH402 Introduction to Systematic Theology

MT400 Mentoring for Ministry 4

Second Year

Term 1

BS501 Introduction to Biblical Exegesis

CH511 Early Councils and Creeds

TH611 Knowledge of God

PT511 Parish Strategy and Skills

MT500 Mentoring for Ministry 5

Term 2

OT502 The Pentateuch

NT502 Synoptic Gospels

TH612 Creation, Mankind, and Sin

PT515 Biblical Perspectives on Culture & Worldviews

MT500 Mentoring for Ministry 5

Term 3

OT623 Samuel

NT625 Ephesians

CH521 Reformation Church History

PT513 Worship and Preaching

MT500 Mentoring for Ministry 5

Third Year

Term 1

CH520 Church Planting in Vanuatu & Pacific

NT615 Acts

TH613 Grace and Eschatology

LA611 Basics of Biblical Greek 1

MT600 Mentoring for Ministry 6

Term 2

OT632 Jeremiah

NT643 1 Peter

TH614 Salvation

LA612 Basics of Biblical Greek 2

MT600 Mentoring for Ministry 6

Term 3

OT651 The Psalms

NT649 Revelation

TH615 The Church

LA613 Basics of Biblical Greek 3

MT600 Mentoring for Ministry 6

Fourth Year

Term 1

OT715 Deuteronomy

NT714 John’s Gospel (Greek)

PT512 Christian Education

TH721 Christian Apologetics

MT700 Mentoring for Ministry 7

Term 2

PT711 Advanced Christian Education

NT721 Romans (Greek)

PT516 Evangelism & Discipleship in Regional Mission

CH713 From the Modern Age to the Future Church

MT700 Mentoring for Ministry 7

Term 3

PT514 Leadership and Management

NT730 Pastoral Epistles (Greek)

PT712 Cross-Cultural Mission

TH722 Contextual Theology (Project)

MT700 Mentoring for Ministry 7

Entry Requirements

Academic qualification

Certificate III in Ministry


Vanuatu Senior Secondary Certificate (Year 12) or equivalent overseas qualification 

Literacy, language & numeracy

LLN band 4 in English. Evidence of this is demonstrated through either:

(1) a Pass in TTTI’s  English Entrance Exam


(2) a C grade or higher in TTTI’s EN303

To enter into the second year, you will need to have achieved LLN Band 5 in English, evidenced by a Passing grade in the first year’s subject: EN402.


  • A letter of endorsement from the relevant church authority (e.g. a presbytery for a Presbyterian candidate or a session for a Presbyterian private student, or equivalent for students coming from other denominations)
  • A personal commitment to Christ and his church (this is done in a half-page written personal testimony)
  • Be at least 18 years old


Ministry experience at a congregational level (e.g. leading Sunday school, youth, etc.)

Special entry

Applicants who are unable to meet the above academic entry requirements, but

  • have at least three years of relevant work experience
  • meet the LLN entry requirements, and
  • are able to demonstrate an ability to study at this level

may be allowed entry upon approval from TTTI’s Academic Life Committee.