Pepos blong Certificate II mo Certificate III long Ministri
Blong buildimap ol jioj blong Vanuatu wetem ol komyuniti. Hemia taem we yumi mekem rere ol pipol wetem save blong olgeta, skil blong olgeta, wetem fasin we oli nidim blong lay’ minitri wok o blong helpem wan pasta long wok blong hem insaed long ol jioj blong Vanuatu, long eria we oli lukaot long hem, mo tu blong givim/provaedem wan rod blong save kasem gudfala edukesen mo trening. Blong kasem ol samting ya hemi thru long Baebol wetem Kristin stadi insaed long Baebol, semak olsem trening long praktikol ministri skill wetem enkarejmen long spirijuel maturiti. Ol student we oli graduet, wok we oli stap mekem I save gat (be I nogat mak blong hem): assistant Pasta (o lay Pasta), ol elda, ol lay prija, ol evangelistic spika, ol Baebol stadi lida, ol kros-kaljarol misenari we oli kam long Melanesia, ol Sandei skul lida, ol wok man insaed long ministry blong ol pikinini, ol lida insaed ministry blong ol mama wetem ol lida blong ol yangfala insaed long jioj.
Tu yia ful taem blong graduet wetem wan setifiket 3 insaet long ministri. Sipos yu nosave komplitim tufala yia ya, yu save graduet wetem wan setifiket 2 insaet long ministri.
VQF Levels
2 & 3
Location (Ples)
TTTI Main Campus, Saot Santo
Study Program
Certificate 2 in Ministry
Term 1
SS201 Skills for Study at TTTI Main Campus
TH201 Christ-centred Scriptures
PT211 Evangelism
NT210 Introduction to the Gospels OR NT240 Introduction to Hebrews, Revelation, and the General Epistles
MT200 Mentoring for Ministry 2
Term 2
BS201 Interpreting the Bible 1
CH301 The Origin of Today’s Churches
PT212 Discipleship
OT240 Introduction to the Old Testament Writings OR OT210 Introduction to the Pentateuch
MT200 Mentoring for Ministry 2
Term 3
BS301 Interpreting the Bible 2
TH202 Introduction to Theology
PT213 Introduction to Christian Education
NT220 Introduction to Paul and Acts OR OT220 Introduction to the Former and Latter Prophets
MT200 Mentoring for Ministry 2
Certificate 3 in Ministry
Term 1
EN301 English for Academic Study 3A
PT311 Introduction to Worship & Preaching
TH311 God, Creation, and New Creation
NT210 Introduction to the Gospels OR NT240 Introduction to Hebrews, Revelation, and the General Epistles
MT300 Mentoring for Ministry 3
Term 2
EN302 English for Academic Study 3B
PT312 Pastoral Skills
TH312 God’s Plan of Salvation
OT240 Introduction to the Old Testament Writings OR OT210 Introduction to the Pentateuch
MT300 Mentoring for Ministry 3
Term 3
EN303 English for Academic Study 3C
PT413 Cross Cultural Mission to Melanesia
TH313 The People of God
NT220 Introduction to Paul and Acts OR OT220 Introduction to the Former and Latter Prophets
MT300 Mentoring for Ministry 3
Entry Requirements
Academic qualification
Certificate I in Ministry
Vanuatu Junior Secondary Certificate (Year 10) o semak wan be long narafala kantri.
Literacy, language & numeracy (Save blong rid lanwis mo Namba)
LLN Band 3 (long Bislama)- hemia I no impoten tumas blong yumi testem be sapos I gat nid blong yumi mekem test long kes blong olgeta we oli spesel tumas blong kam insaed mo joen.
- Wan leta long lida blong jioj blong yu blong sapotem yu blong kam enrol- (eksampol: wan presbetri long Presbyterian jioj memba o wan sesen long Presbyterian jioj praevet memba/student o I semak nomo long wan memba blong narafala dinominesen/jioj.
- Wan we I komitim hem wan long wok blong Kraes mo jioj blong hem (hemi ayu raetem wan haf pej long testimoni blong yu o olsem wanem yuk am blong save Kraes.)
- Hem I mas gat 18 yia olsem.
Yu gat planta eksperiens o save long wok blong God insaed long jioj/minitri blong yu (eksampol: lidim sandei skul, lidim ol yangfala mo plante moa.)
Special entry
Olgeta we oli applae be oli no save kasem ful wan ol samting we I kamoat antap lo kriteria blong entry oli mas:
– Gat tri yia I go antap lo wok eksperens.
– Kasem gud LLN entry rekwaemen mo,
– Soemaot se oli save stadi lo level ya.
Bambae oli save kasem apruvmen long TTTI.